Friday, April 26, 2013

A year alone

I wonder what it would feel like to spend an entire year alone. Would I go crazy, or would I have a lot of time to accomplish things in my life. In the perfect scenario I would be completely alone, with enough money to survive the year. What would I get done in that amount of time with no obligations?

For some reason this idea is really appealing. In reality I would probably go insane from loneliness. But in my perfect vision I would do so many things. I’d finally have enough time to read hundreds of books. There’s a whole bunch of television shows that I could finally knock off of my must watch list. I think I’d improve several skills. I’d learn some musical instruments and maybe even a language. 

It’s probably unrealistic to think that I would ever be able to accomplish that many things in a year. Even if I was alone, I don’t think it would be possible to do such a thing.

Where would I live if I did something like this? I think I’d like to be in a really naturey place where there is no one around except for animals. I’d like there to be  a field and maybe a nice lake. Even though this sounds really pleasant, I think at night I would be really afraid that someone was going to come out of the forest and murder me. I’d never be able to watch any scary movies because they would leave me in a state of paranoia.

I think there are books on people who have done something like this before. I would like to read them. I guess that is something that I am going to have to add to my list of things I want to read. The only issue is I might really start wanting to do this for real.

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